Seth's Spiritual Space

Becoming I AM...

After my Grandma died I was very lost. So I had to learn a lot of things for myself. I read countless books and realized they would trigger insights that then my intuition would take over. One of the most powerful one was a place I could go whenever I wanted. I never knew about astral projection then.
Even now I don’t feel that is what it is. Anyways it is always dark there but I can see fine, there is a field and at the end of this field is a bog. There is Saw grass full of darkness. The darkness itself beckons me. That is a little of the poem I wrote a couple of weeks ago. I would run and play so close to the "danger" that is the saw grass and its blackness that seems alive moving like smoke between the grass as it sways back and forth aggressively at times.
The wind booms with gust. So many years I played in the field knowing this darkness was calling me. One time I was feeling angry and just wanted to be somewhere else. So I started paying attention to the sound of the wind it was like the darkness knew that I was ready to face my fear and enter the bog....

So I’m listening to the wind and realize I am hearing deep bass drums within the wind, boom boom, wind boom and so on, I decided to enter the grass. It was like the darkness reached out and pulled at my very soul. I let go of any doubt or rejection and let this black energy pull me consume me. MY EGO was on full alert and my body was filled with adrenaline I mean to the point of flight for life but my ego mind and that of my higher self melded into one. Where my ego was scared the higher self continued on. I knew not to look down because I was no longer walking and I knew if I did look down I would lose myself in the most horrible of fears. I noticed there were 3 of us. MY EGO. Who was fading with every notice of it my higher self who was at the head leading and me. The drums got louder and louder. I’ll admit a few times I did catch a glance below us but this was only after egos screams of horror were nothing more than a buzz of distant memory in my ear. All I saw was an abyss of dark. I noticed then an orange light on the horizon it was then I could make out this bog of violent swaying saw grass and we were floating above it the 2 of us with my higher self in the lead, like a Salty Captain seasoned with experience ancient with knowledge the Mage of Mages my Higher led me. Getting closer to this light I knew it was a huge Sacred Ancient Fire that burns the we went forward , closer and closer to this the drums beating primal rhythm with people dancing around this fire oblivious of anything but losing themselves in the beating , the scared beating that is the base of all of creation. As we came closer I realized the Higher was me and I it. There was no longer a barrier between ego, my Higher or myself. Instantly I knew that all barriers had been broken within me because I had faced my fears as a lad all those years ago in the field when hurt and anger pushed me to break the barrier of who I have ever been. Who I was and who I will ever be. I became all of me. I became I am. I turned my focus on my surroundings at the sacred fire and realized I was experiencing a much needed act that is required for creation. The elemental energy of earth’s fire. It was from there that I knew I could go anywhere be anything at anytime. I knew I could dwell here forever and never return to this static mundane world that we all hold so dear as what is real. It disgusted me to know that in this realm that EGO reigns, we are all prisoners of EGO itself. Living lives that mean nothing.
  This isn’t reality. It is a dream of materials of standards of do’s and don’ts. I knew where I was even the language that is spoken in this false reality itself meant nothing. Where I was standing you just know what is what. You don’t have to be told what is what. I was the fire I was all. Wisdoms knowledge wasn’t separated with time and experience it is me and I it. Then my mind raced to collect all the thoughts I could possibly have about anything and they too were placed in the understanding that they are me as I them.  I had to return to this place of egotistical static, I hated it for years, but yet I know through years of intuition and returning to the core of elemental Earth and going to other places within the elements that I am here for purpose. So deep is the knowledge that can be gained but to type it would take forever, but in a whole I will say that from the center of my being I can point out the doors, the " fields" that lead to each element.  They themselves have their own type of bog of saw grass, but each one is its own.  Air doesn’t have a bog, it has height. Water has a deep coldness and fire cleansing.
   From the union that is who I am at the center of my being in relation to the direction of these elements and the doors to really exploring them, make up a perfect Pentagram with Spirit (Spirit made up of the Union of Ego the Higher and myself) in the center. This is how long ago I luckily came to understand my "shadow" self. I am thankful everyday that I was a child filled with wonder and I never let go of that child aspect because it is what leads me today with a United Spirit (Soul) that can only move because of Spirit.
   I have to say that because for me it is what is real. Folk say Spirit but to me Spirit is divine energy that Soul uses to experience life through mind within brain to what we see in front of us in this static world of make believe. So as a side note, I see Soul-Spirit-Mind-Body existing in the All of Elements that is a part only a fraction mind you of a whole. The question I face today is who is the ME in this union of ego, higher and me. I feel only by learning my purpose will this answer come.
   I have transcended the elements,  Magick makes up the different "spices" of energy that bring about so many changes by applying them with intent which itself can be how one is feeling at the moment that intent is turned to will and released out to the all with the hopes it will be. It’s when your intent is white, innocent and with the best interest to all, will your craft be protected on level few can understand. Ok before I go into another novella I’ll stop here.
This is just where I stand in my path. We are all part of these interchanging paths and to proceed positively, it is good to share what we have come to know with, ALL.


For those of you who didn't know him, Seth is David Drake's spiritual/magikal name. He wrote this post for you shortly before he left his physical body of David and became one with the universe as his spirit self, Seth.

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