Over the next few months, we wrote often and eventually began to talk on the phone and finally after many months had passed we met in person. That first day was first of many amazing days together. I knew I loved him before we ever met in person but on that day, after hours of walking around and talking he leaned down and like the perfect gentleman he was, he kissed my forehead and I knew he was the one. And so began the most wonderful journey. over the next few years, we got married, we loved, we argued, we laughed and we took of each other and this past year we grew not only together but individually. Both of us overcoming demons of our past and planning our futures. We became more spiritual and we grew closer than I ever imagined two people could be. We could be in separate rooms and finish each others sentences.
On October 27, 2012, my life was profoundly changed again, when David unexpected passed from our realm. For me this was a devastation I can not begin to put into words as I futility begged for it to all be a bad dream because I selfishly needed to still have him physically with me. But David is a child of light and such a pure soul that he was needed on another plane where he could do what he does best which is take care of people. He showed me this in the days after he passed in the many people he touched in his life here. As people came to me for comfort in his loss, I discovered even more about his caring and generous nature. I also discovered that he was watching over many of us at the same time in the form of a single crow that would appear in strange places and at odd times when we needed a little strength to get through the day without the gentle giant we all loved and depended on. David understood what unconditional love was and he gave it freely to all. I was so blessed to bask in that love for the short time we were together. I learned so much from him about love and about myself. Lessons, I will honour him by using and sharing with those in my life and those I meet until it is my time to leave this earthly realm and reunite with the other half of my soul.
Here are a few words that barely come close to describing what an amazing person he was:
David was the purest soul I have ever met. His inner light touched so many people and he shared both that light and his love with everyone he knew, never asking for it in return. He was a humble man, who gave of himself freely and never knew how special we all knew he was. He didn’t see that in himself. When he helped another it was because he said “that is what you are supposed to do”. He never felt like he deserved love and kindness in return because so often he didn’t receive it back from those whose lives he touched. He was fun loving and playful and often people didn’t realize what a beautiful complex mind he had. He was one of the smartest men I have known and he gave away his wisdom freely. Not to appear better but because he loved helping others. He was my gentle giant, whom children and animals flocked to, because they saw that light inside him. He was a rock, dropping everything to lend a hand, make someone smile or offering a shoulder to lean on. He was my Yeti, so strong, helping people move and carrying things it would take 2-3 others to lift. He was handyman; there was nothing he couldn’t fix. He was my security blanket, the safest place in all the world was in his arms. He was everything a man is supposed to be. He wasn’t perfect but the few flaws he had only made him more beautiful and that is why he has touched so many of us.
He valued and loved his family with every fiber of his being, especially his children. For those who were blessed to hear him talk of how proud he was of them and how much he loved them, they got to bask in the glow thinking of his children made him shine with. He was so much more than a son, a brother, a father, a husband, a man. He wasn’t a movie star or a politician or any other type of famous person, but the world has lost a truly magnificent soul far too soon.
Here is a
beautiful passage from something David wrote weeks before he died,

For more of his inspiring words read Seth's Spiritual Space on this blog or read some of his posts on Facebook. So many loved him and I have left up his FB page for those that need it.
An amazing man, who left us too soon. We do not say goodbye, only that we will see you in the morning....
2/2/72 to 10/27/12
OH my goodness. Thank you SO very much for this. David was such a LIGHT to so many, including ME. I am so thankful for his contribution to my spiritual life, both in the past AND the present. There is not one day that passes that I don't think about him. Thank you, Dear, for posting this. <3 <3 <3 All my love!
ReplyDeleteThank you Willow. He was my rock as well. I miss my brother, my soul friend my light that eased the pain I felt and the person that understood the dreams a passions in my heart. He was the one man I truely trusted with who I was. He never judged me. He was always there to make me see I was worth so much more than I ever thought I was. I learned so much with him. We talked for hours about our spiritual needs and learned from each other. He made me laugh when all I wanted to do was die. There will never be another man so full of love and caring and of such pure spirit as he. I cant wait to see him in the fields he talked about. One day I will see my friend again. We will all be together again. Willow I love you very much my sister. Be the strong woman I know you are. David was so proud of you. He knew you were Magnificent and caring beyond fault. He talked of you all the time. He is here with us. I know because right now I would have gave up the fight if he was wasnt. He has to be here with a hand on my shoulder telling me "your worth more than this. Dont let this take you down. I love dork. Im gonna kick his ass." I can hear him saying it. .... I love you David. Till we meet in the fields, you will always be in my thoughts and heart.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to my brother, David. I think of you everyday.
Not a day goes by that we don't think of you and miss your presence. My love for you will never die. Happy birthday my yeti.